1. From Active Database:
- run {
- allocate auxiliary channel c1 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c2 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c3 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c4 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c5 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c6 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c7 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c8 device type disk;
- duplicate target database to activedb
- from active database
- nofilenamecheck
- spfile
- set
- control_files='+DATA','+FRA'
- set
- db_file_name_convert='+DATA/ORCL/','+DATA/ACTIVEDB/'
- set
- log_file_name_convert='+DATA/ORCL/','+DATA/ACTIVEDB/','+FRA/ORCL/','+FRA/ACTIVEDB/'
- set
- audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/activedb/adump'
- set
- memory_target='2600M'
- set
- memory_max_target='2600M'
- set
- local_listener='LISTENER_ACTIVEDB';
- }
2. From Backup Location:
- run {
- allocate auxiliary channel c1 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c2 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c3 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c4 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c5 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c6 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c7 device type disk;
- allocate auxiliary channel c8 device type disk;
- allocate channel c9 device type disk;
- allocate channel c10 device type disk;
- allocate channel c11 device type disk;
- allocate channel c12 device type disk;
- allocate channel c13 device type disk;
- allocate channel c14 device type disk;
- allocate channel c15 device type disk;
- allocate channel c16 device type disk;
- duplicate target database to 'backupdb'
- backup location '/home/oracle/backupdb'
- nofilenamecheck
- spfile
- set
- control_files='+DATA','+FRA'
- set
- db_file_name_convert='+DATA/ORCL/','+DATA/BACKUPDB/'
- set
- log_file_name_convert='+DATA/ORCL/','+DATA/BACKUPDB/','+FRA/ORCL/','+FRA/BACKUPDB/'
- set
- audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/backupdb/adump'
- set
- memory_target='2600M'
- set
- memory_max_target='2600M'
- set
- local_listener='LISTENER_BACKUPDB';
- }