本帖最后由 botang 于 2016-7-7 10:09 编辑
【开始1Z0-051的第11章】其他Oracle Schema对象
【1Z0-051】:共11章(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)这本书快上完了
【1Z0-052】:共13章(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18)
【1Z0-053】:共15章(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)
- create table t05110_a ( a number default 999 , b varchar2(20) default 'AAA' ) ;
- select * from user_Tab_columns t where t.TABLE_NAME='T05110_A';
- alter table t05110_a modify ( b default 'BBB') ;
- insert into t05110_a values (default, default);
- select * from t05110_a;
- ----
- create table t05110_clob( a number , b clob ) ;
- insert into t05110_clob values (1,'AAAAAA') ;
- select * from t05110_clob ;
- select * from user_objects o where o.OBJECT_NAME='T05110_CLOB';
- 80630
- select * from user_objects o where o.OBJECT_NAME like '%80630%';
- select * from user_lobs;
- create table t05110_blob ( a varchar2(20) , b blob ) ;
- ( p_dir VARCHAR2, p_file VARCHAR2)
- IS
- v_f BFILE;
- v_b blob;
- INSERT INTO t05110_blob values( p_file, EMPTY_BLOB ()) RETURN b into v_b;
- v_f := BFILENAME (p_dir, p_file);
- commit;
- end;
- select * from user_errors;
- begin
- procblob ('PHOTODIR','computer.jpg');
- end;
- select * from t05110_blob;
- ----
- create table t05110_time1( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) TO MONTH );
- insert into t05110_time1 values ( INTERVAL '123-4' YEAR(3) TO MONTH );
- select * from t05110_time1 ;
- select sysdate+a from t05110_time1 ;
- create table t05110_time2 ( a INTERVAL DAY(3) to second(3) );
- insert into t05110_time2 values ( INTERVAL '4 13:50:6.333' DAY(3) to second(3) ) ;
- select * from t05110_time2;
- select sysdate+a from t05110_time2 ;
- -----
- create table t05110_nn( a number not null );
- insert into t05110_nn values (1 );
- commit;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_NN';
- create table t05110_nn2( a number constraint c_t05110_nn not null );
- insert into t05110_nn2 values (1);
- commit;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_NN2';
- create table t1 as select * from t05110_nn;
- create table t2 as select * from t05110_nn2;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME in ('T1','T2');
- create table t05110_nn3( a number , constraint c_t05110_nn3 check( a is not null) );
- insert into t05110_nn3 values (1);
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_NN3';
- create table t3 as select * from t05110_nn3;
- select * from t3;
- select * from t05110_nn4;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME in ('T1','T2','T3');
- create table t05110_nn4 ( a number ) ;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_NN4';
- insert into t05110_nn4 values (null);
- select * from t05110_nn4;
- alter table t05110_nn4 add constraint c_t05110_nn4 check ( a is not null) enable novalidate;
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_NN4';
- create table t05110_nn5( a number ,
- constraint c_t05110_nn5 check ( a is not null ) disable validate ) ;
- insert into t05110_nn5 values (1) ;
- ---
- select * from exceptions;
- alter table t05110_nn4 modify constraint c_t05110_nn4
- enable validate exceptions into exceptions;
- select * from exceptions;
- select * from t05110_nn4 where rowid='AAATsJAAEAAAAPMAAA';
- update t05110_nn4 set a=1 where rowid='AAATsJAAEAAAAPMAAA';
- ----
- create table t05110_unique1 ( a number
- constraint c_t05110_unique1 unique );
- select * from user_indexes i where i.TABLE_NAME='T05110_UNIQUE1';
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_UNIQUE1';
- insert into t05110_unique1 values (1) ;
- select * from t05110_unique1 ;
- insert into t05110_unique1 values (null);
- insert into t05110_unique1 values (null);
- create table t05110_unique2 (a number
- constraint c_t05110_unique2 unique deferrable initially deferred ) ;
- select * from user_indexes i where i.TABLE_NAME='T05110_UNIQUE2';
- select * from user_constraints c where c.TABLE_NAME='T05110_UNIQUE2';
- insert into t05110_unique2 values ( 1 ) ;
- insert into t05110_unique2 values ( 1 ) ;
- insert into t05110_unique2 values ( 1 ) ;
- select * from t05110_unique2 ;
- commit;
- -----
- create table t05110_unique3 ( a number ) ;
- create unique index i05110_unique3 on t05110_unique3 ( a);
- alter table t05110_unique3 add constraint c_t05110_unique3
- unique( a ) not deferrable initially immediate ;
- ---
- create table t05110_parent ( a number constraint c_t05110_parent primary key ) ;
- insert into t05110_parent values (1) ;
- create table
- t05110_son ( b number constraint c_t05110_son referencing t05110_parent
- on delete set null ) ;
- insert into t05110_son values (1) ;
- select * from t05110_parent;
- select * from t05110_son ;
- delete from t05110_parent where a=1;
- commit;
- ----
- create table t05110_check ( a number constraint c_t05110_check
- check ( a >7 )) ;
- insert into t05110_check values (8) ;
- update t05110_check set a=9 where a=88;
- ---
- create or replace trigger trgvalue
- after update or insert on t05110_check
- referencing old as old new as new
- for each row
- begin
- if :old.a >= :new.a
- then
- raise_application_error(-20999,'Must biger');
- end if;
- end ;
- select * from t05110_check;
- select * from user_triggers;
- update t05110_check set a=9 ;
- insert into t05110_check values ( 8 ) ;
- select * from t05110_check;
- update t05110_check set a=9 where a=8;
- ---
- create or replace view v05110_a
- as ( select employee_id , department_id
- from employees where department_id=10 ) ;
- select * from v05110_a;
- update v05110_a set department_id=20 where employee_id=200;
- create or replace view v05110_a
- as ( select employee_id , department_id
- from employees where department_id=20 ) with check option ;
- select * from v05110_a;
- update v05110_a set department_id=10 where employee_id=200;
- ---
- create table t05311_a ( a number ) ;
- insert into t05311_a values (1) ;
- create view v05311_a as ( select a*2 b from
- t05311_a ) ;
- select * from v05311_a;
- update v05311_a set b=4 where b=2;
- ---
- delete from v05311_a;
- select * from t05311_a;
- ---
- create sequence seq1 ;
- select * from user_sequences where sequence_name='SEQ1';
- select seq1.nextval from dual;