exclude="table: in ('T1')","function: in ('FUNC1')"
query="U1.T2:where a>50"
create table hr.tpasswd
( i_name varchar2(50),
i_passwd char(1),
i_uid number ,
i_gid number,
i_comment varchar2(100),
i_home varchar2(100),
i_shell varchar2(100) ) ;
select * from hr.tpasswd;
truncate table hr.tpasswd;
select * from dba_directories;
create directory yourdir as '/home/oracle/yourdir';
grant read,write on directory yourdir to hr;
select * from dba_external_tables t where t.table_name='TPASSWD';
select * from dba_external_locations l where l.table_name='TPASSWD';
drop table hr.tpasswd;
select * from hr.tpasswd;
select * from dba_tables t where t.owner='HR' and t.table_name='TPASSWD';
delete from hr.tpasswd;
create user u1 identified by oracle_4U ;
grant connect , resource to u1;
grant all on directory mydir to u1;
select * from dba_datapump_jobs;
select * from system.JOB_FULL;
create tablespace tbs05217 datafile size 10M ;
create table tsys( a number ) tablespace tbs05217;
insert into tsys values ( 1 ) ;