1. rd.break
2. chroot /sysroot
3. mount -o remount,rw /
4. passwd
5. touch /.autorelabel
6. exit
7. reboot
--------------------------------------如果selinux策略出问题:/etc/selinux/config permisive
- [root@server3 grub2]# vim grub.cfg
- [root@server3 grub2]# ls -l /sbin/init
- lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Jun 29 05:06 /sbin/init -> ../lib/systemd/systemd
- [root@server3 grub2]#
复制代码 4 a. A ke rnel and i n itra mfs are loaded from disk.
9 b. All units for the default targ et are started.
3 c. The boot loader presents the user with a menu.
5 d. The ke rnel initial izes and lau nches /sbin/init from the initra mfs.
1 e. The system firmware loads the boot loader.
7 f. The system root file system is mou nted read-on ly on /sys root.
6 g. Basic hardwa re initial ization takes place.
8 h. The root fi le system is switched, and control is passed ove r to a new systemd insta nce.
2 i. The boot loader loads its configuration from disk.
- [root@desktop3 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1