select * from dba_sys_privs sp where sp.grantee in ('HR', 'OPS$ORACLE','SH') order by 1;
select * from dba_tab_privs tp where tp.grantee in ('HR', 'OPS$ORACLE','SH');
select * from dbA_role_privs rp where rp.grantee in ('HR', 'OPS$ORACLE','SH');
alter user sh identified by oracle_4U account unlock;
select * from dba_roles order by 1;
create role r1 ;
select * from role_tab_privs rtp where rtp.role='R1';
select * from dba_roles r where r.role in ('CONNECT','RESOURCE','SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE','SCHEDULER_ADMIN','DBA','R1','R2');
create role r2;
grant select on sh.channels to r2 ;
grant r2 to r1;
select * from role_role_privs rrp where rrp.role='R1';
select * from dba_roles r where r.role in ('CONNECT','RESOURCE','SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE','SCHEDULER_ADMIN','DBA','R1','R2');
select * from dbA_role_privs rp where rp.grantee in ('HR', 'OPS$ORACLE','SH');
grant r1 to hr;
select * from dbA_role_privs rp where rp.grantee in ('HR', 'OPS$ORACLE','SH');
alter user hr default role RESOURCE,SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
alter user hr default role none;
alter user hr default role all;
create role r3 identified by oracle_4U ;
grant select on sh.costs to r3 ;
grant r3 to hr;
select * from dbA_role_privs rp where rp.grantee ='HR';