本帖最后由 botang 于 2014-11-1 20:06 编辑
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> create table t05110_x( a number , b number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> alter table t05110_x add constraint chk_t05110_x check ( a +b =1 ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.5 ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.4 ) ;
- insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.4 )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-02290: check constraint (HR.CHK_T05110_X) violated
- SQL> create table t05110_w ( a number );
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_w (1);
- insert into t05110_w (1)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
- SQL> insert into t05110_w values (1);
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=2 where a=1;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1 where a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_w;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1;
- update t05110_w set a=1
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-21000: error number argument to raise_application_error of 20001 is out of
- range
- ORA-06512: at "HR.TRG1", line 4
- ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.TRG1'
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1;
- update t05110_w set a=1
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-06512: at "HR.TRG1", line 4
- ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.TRG1'
- SQL> create table t05110_u( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_u values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05110_u rename column a to b;
- Table altered.
- SQL> select * from t05110_u;
- B
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> rename t05110_u to t05110_v;
- Table renamed.
- SQL> select * from t05110_v;
- B
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05110_v read only;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=3;
- update t05110_v set b=3
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "HR"."T05110_V"
- SQL> alter table t05110_v rename b to c;
- alter table t05110_v rename b to c
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-14155: missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword
- SQL> alter table t05110_v rename column b to c;
- alter table t05110_v rename column b to c
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "HR"."T05110_V"
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( a >1000) ;
- alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( a >1000)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00904: "A": invalid identifier
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b >1000) ;
- alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b >1000)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-02293: cannot validate (HR.CHK1) - check constraint violated
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b <1000) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> alter table t05110_v read write;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
- Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
- https://station90.example.com:1158/em/console/aboutApplication
- Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ..... started.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/station90.example.com_orcl/sysman/log
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 09:25:51 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05110_a( a timestamp) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commitl
- SP2-0042: unknown command "commitl" - rest of line ignored.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> alter table t05110_a modify ( a timestamp(9));
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_a values ( systimestamp) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_a;
- A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- 25-OCT-14 AM
- SQL> create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- 2 ) ;
- create table t05110_b ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
- SQL> create table t05110_z ( a INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '99-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_z;
- ------------------
- 25-NOV-13
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a,'YYYY-MM-DD') from t05110_z;
- ----------
- 2113-11-25
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_z modify ( a INTERVAL YEAR(3) to MONTH ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '100-1' YEAR(3) TO MONTH ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH ) ;
- insert into t05110_z values ( interval '1000-1' YEAR(4) TO MONTH )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> create table t05110_y( a interval day to second ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1' day to second ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select sysdate+a from t05110_y;
- ------------------
- 04-NOV-14
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y;
- select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SSSSSS' ) from t05110_y
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01821: date format not recognized
- SQL> select to_char(sysdate+a, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS' ) from t05110_y;
- -------------------
- 2014-11-04:10:41:33
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.1111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '10 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- 2 ;
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> alter table t05110_y modify ( a interval day (3) to second ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second );
- insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day to second )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
- SQL> insert into t05110_y values ( interval '100 1:1:1.111111111' day(3) to second );
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> create table t05110_x( a number , b number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> alter table t05110_x add constraint chk_t05110_x check ( a +b =1 ) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.5 ) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.4 ) ;
- insert into t05110_x values ( 0.5, 0.4 )
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-02290: check constraint (HR.CHK_T05110_X) violated
- SQL> create table t05110_w ( a number );
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_w (1);
- insert into t05110_w (1)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
- SQL> insert into t05110_w values (1);
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=2 where a=1;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1 where a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> select * from t05110_w;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1;
- update t05110_w set a=1
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-21000: error number argument to raise_application_error of 20001 is out of
- range
- ORA-06512: at "HR.TRG1", line 4
- ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.TRG1'
- SQL> update t05110_w set a=1;
- update t05110_w set a=1
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-06512: at "HR.TRG1", line 4
- ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.TRG1'
- SQL> create table t05110_u( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05110_u values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05110_u rename column a to b;
- Table altered.
- SQL> select * from t05110_u;
- B
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> rename t05110_u to t05110_v;
- Table renamed.
- SQL> select * from t05110_v;
- B
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05110_v read only;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=3;
- update t05110_v set b=3
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "HR"."T05110_V"
- SQL> alter table t05110_v rename b to c;
- alter table t05110_v rename b to c
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-14155: missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword
- SQL> alter table t05110_v rename column b to c;
- alter table t05110_v rename column b to c
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "HR"."T05110_V"
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( a >1000) ;
- alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( a >1000)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00904: "A": invalid identifier
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b >1000) ;
- alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b >1000)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-02293: cannot validate (HR.CHK1) - check constraint violated
- SQL> alter table t05110_v add constraint chk1 check ( b <1000) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> alter table t05110_v read write;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05110_v set b=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL>
- drop trigger trg1;
- create or replace trigger trg1
- after update of a on t05110_w
- referencing new as new old as old
- for each row
- begin
- if :old.a > :new.a
- then
- raise_application_error('-20001','YOU ARE WRONG');
- end if;
- end;
- CREATE VIEW salvu50
- AS SELECT employee_id ID_NUMBER, last_name NAME,
- salary*12 ANN_SALARY
- FROM employees
- WHERE department_id = 50;
- select * from salvu50;
- update salvu50 set ANN_SALARY=31201 where ID_NUMBER=198;
- update salvu50 set ID_NUMBER=999 where ID_NUMBER=198;
- select * from employees order by 1;
- select * from user_sequences;
- grant create public synonym to hr;
- [root@station90 ~]# su - oracle
- [oracle@station90 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
- SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 25 15:19:25 2014
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05310_a ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_a values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> !ps
- 16217 pts/2 00:00:00 sqlplus
- 16328 pts/2 00:00:00 ps
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> flashback table t05310_a to scn 2132750;
- flashback table t05310_a to scn 2132750
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabled
- SQL> alter table t05310_a enable row movement;
- Table altered.
- SQL> flashback table t05310_a to scn 2132750;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05310_a;
- no rows selected
- SQL> flashback table t05310_a to scn 2142619;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05310_a;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 24000
- SQL> update employees set salary=25000 where employee_id=100;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update employees set salary=26000 where employee_id=100;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update employees set salary=27000 where employee_id=100;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update employees set salary=28000 where employee_id=100;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table employees enable row movement ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143354;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 26000
- SQL> select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between minvalue and maxvalue
- 4 where employee_id=100;
- versions between minvalue and maxvalue
- *
- ERROR at line 3:
- ORA-00905: missing keyword
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between minscn and maxscn
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- versions between minscn and maxscn
- *
- ERROR at line 3:
- ORA-00905: missing keyword
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00904: "VERSIONS_START_SCN": invalid identifier
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_startscn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0400060069050000 2144145 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 28000
- 09001A0002060000 2143370 28000
- 0A00160019050000 2143357 27000
- 0500140091060000 2143353 26000
- 0200200002060000 2143338 25000
- 24000
- 7 rows selected.
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143338;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 25000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143337;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 24000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143352;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 25000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143353;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 26000
- SQL> select versions_xid, versions_startscn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4 where employee_id=100;
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0A0009001A050000 2144731 26000
- 0A0009001A050000 2144731 25000
- 0800030074050000 2144699 25000
- 0800030074050000 2144699 24000
- 03000700E9050000 2144666 24000
- 03000700E9050000 2144666 25000
- 08000E0072050000 2144562 25000
- 08000E0072050000 2144562 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 28000
- 09001A0002060000 2143370 28000
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0A00160019050000 2143357 27000
- 0500140091060000 2143353 26000
- 0200200002060000 2143338 25000
- 24000
- 15 rows selected.
- SQL> create table t05310_b ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_b values ( 1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=4;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> alter table t05310_b add ( b varchar2(20)) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> rollback;
- Rollback complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=6;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05310_b drop (b) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=7;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=8;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05310_b;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> create table t05310_c ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_c values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=4;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05310_c enable row movement;
- Table altered.
- SQL> alter table t05310_c skrink space;
- alter table t05310_c skrink space
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option
- SQL> alter table t05310_c shrink space;
- Table altered.
- SQL>
- select * from v$session where terminal='pts/2';
- select * from v$transaction;
- select * from flashback_transaction_query;
- from v_$database d ;
- alter database add supplemental log data;
- alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
- select * from flashback_transaction_query ftq
- where ftq.xid='0600060015060000' ;
- select t.row_movement from dba_tables t where t.owner='HR' and t.table_name='T05310_A';
- alter table hr.t05310_a disable row movement;
- select * from flashback_transaction_query ftq where ftq.undo_sql like '%EMPLOYEES%';
- from v_$database d ;
- alter database drop supplemental log data;
- alter database drop supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
- select versions_xid, versions_startscn , versions_operation , a
- from hr.t05310_b
- versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;
- select versions_xid, versions_startscn , versions_operation , a
- from hr.t05310_c
- versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;
- select versions_xid, versions_startscn , versions_operation , a
- from hr.t05310_d
- versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue;
- select * from dba_recyclebin;
- purge dba_recyclebin;
- select * from dba_indexes i where i.owner='HR' and i.table_name='T05311_B';
- select * from dba_constraints c where c.owner='HR' and c.table_name='T05311_B';
- alter index hr."BIN$Bjw8DVeVZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0" rename to pk_t05311_b;
- create tablespace tbs05311_a datafile size 256K autoextend on ;
- select * from dba_recyclebin;
- select df.tablespace_name , df.file_name, df.bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files df where df.tablespace_name='TBS05311_A';
- ORA-00905: missing keyword
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between minscn and maxscn
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- versions between minscn and maxscn
- *
- ERROR at line 3:
- ORA-00905: missing keyword
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- select versions_xid, versions_start_scn , salary
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00904: "VERSIONS_START_SCN": invalid identifier
- SQL> ed
- Wrote file afiedt.buf
- 1 select versions_xid, versions_startscn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4* where employee_id=100
- SQL> /
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0400060069050000 2144145 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 28000
- 09001A0002060000 2143370 28000
- 0A00160019050000 2143357 27000
- 0500140091060000 2143353 26000
- 0200200002060000 2143338 25000
- 24000
- 7 rows selected.
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143338;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 25000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143337;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 24000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143352;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 25000
- SQL> flashback table employees to scn 2143353;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select salary from employees where employee_id=100;
- ----------
- 26000
- SQL> select versions_xid, versions_startscn , salary
- 2 from employees
- 3 versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
- 4 where employee_id=100;
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0A0009001A050000 2144731 26000
- 0A0009001A050000 2144731 25000
- 0800030074050000 2144699 25000
- 0800030074050000 2144699 24000
- 03000700E9050000 2144666 24000
- 03000700E9050000 2144666 25000
- 08000E0072050000 2144562 25000
- 08000E0072050000 2144562 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 26000
- 0400060069050000 2144145 28000
- 09001A0002060000 2143370 28000
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------
- 0A00160019050000 2143357 27000
- 0500140091060000 2143353 26000
- 0200200002060000 2143338 25000
- 24000
- 15 rows selected.
- SQL> create table t05310_b ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_b values ( 1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=4;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> alter table t05310_b add ( b varchar2(20)) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> rollback;
- Rollback complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=6;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05310_b drop (b) ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=7;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_b set a=8;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05310_b;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> create table t05310_c ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_c values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=4;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_c set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05310_c enable row movement;
- Table altered.
- SQL> alter table t05310_c skrink space;
- alter table t05310_c skrink space
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option
- SQL> alter table t05310_c shrink space;
- Table altered.
- SQL> show user
- USER is "HR"
- SQL> create table t05310_d( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05310_d values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_d set a=2;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_d set a=3;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_d set a=4;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> update t05310_d set a=5;
- 1 row updated.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> alter table t05310_d enable row movement ;
- Table altered.
- SQL> select * from t05310_d;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> conn / as sysdba
- Connected.
- SQL> show parameter recycle
- ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
- buffer_pool_recycle string
- db_recycle_cache_size big integer 0
- recyclebin string on
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> create table t05311_a ( a number ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05311_a values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05311_a;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> select * from BIN$Bjw8DVeQZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0;
- select * from BIN$Bjw8DVeQZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
- SQL> select * from "BIN$Bjw8DVeQZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0";
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> flashback table t05311_a to before drop;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05311_a;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> drop table t05311_a;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> create table t05311_a( b varchar2(20)) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05311_a values ( 'A') ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05311_a;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> flashback table t05311_a to before drop;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05311_a;
- B
- --------------------
- A
- SQL> drop table t05311_a;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> flashback table "BIN$Bjw8DVeRZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0" to before drop;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05311_a;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> flashback table t05311_a to before drop;
- flashback table t05311_a to before drop
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-38312: original name is used by an existing object
- SQL>
- SQL> flashback table "BIN$Bjw8DVeTZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0" to before drop;
- flashback table "BIN$Bjw8DVeTZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0" to before drop
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-38312: original name is used by an existing object
- SQL> flashback table "BIN$Bjw8DVeTZy/gU1oAqMBjeA==$0" to before drop rename to t05311_a2;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> select * from t05311_a2;
- B
- --------------------
- A
- SQL> select * from t05311_a;
- A
- ----------
- 1
- SQL> create table t05311_b ( a number constraint pk_t05311_b primary key ) ;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05311_b (1) ;
- insert into t05311_b (1)
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
- SQL> insert into t05311_b values (1) ;
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05311_b;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> flashback table t05311_b to before drop;
- Flashback complete.
- SQL> show user
- USER is "HR"
- SQL> create table t05311_c ( a number ) tablespace tbs05311_a;
- Table created.
- SQL> insert into t05311_c values(1);
- 1 row created.
- SQL> commit;
- Commit complete.
- SQL> drop table t05311_c;
- Table dropped.
- SQL> conn / as sysdba
- Connected.
- SQL> create table hr.t05311_d tablespace tbs05311_a as select * from dba_source ;
- Table created.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_$U
- ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
- Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
- SQL> conn hr/oracle_4U
- Connected.
- SQL> flashback table t05311_c to before drop;
- flashback table t05311_c to before drop
- *
- ERROR at line 1:
- ORA-38305: object not in RECYCLE BIN
- SQL>
- select * from user_recyclebin;
- purge tablespace users user sh ;
- purge tablespace users;
- select * from dba_audit_policies;
- begin
- dbms_fga.add_policy(object_schema => 'HR',
- object_name => 'T05311_I',
- policy_name => 'P1',audit_condition => 'a>5',audit_column => 'A',
- statement_types => 'SELECT,INSERT');
- end;
- create table t05311_j( a number constraint pk_t05311_j primary key , b varchar2(20) ) ;
- create table t05311_k( a number , c date) ;
- create bitmap index i05311_k on t05311_k(j.b)
- from t05311_j j , t05311_k k
- where j.a=k.a;
- select /*+ index(k, i05311_k) */ j.a,b,c from t05311_j j , t05311_k k
- where j.a=k.a;
- select * from user_indexes where table_name='T05311_K';
- select * from user_mview_logs;
- select * from MLOG$_T05311_L;