楼主 |
发表于 2019-4-24 21:12:12
IPA Server继续配置,做NFS服务器
- -bash-4.2# ipa user-find
- ---------------
- 2 users matched
- ---------------
- User login: admin
- Last name: Administrator
- Home directory: /home/admin
- Login shell: /bin/bash
- Principal alias: admin@BOTANGDB.COM
- UID: 590200000
- GID: 590200000
- Account disabled: False
- User login: botang
- First name: Bo
- Last name: Tang
- Home directory: /home/ipa/botang
- Login shell: /bin/sh
- Principal name: botang@BOTANGDB.COM
- Principal alias: botang@BOTANGDB.COM
- Email address: botang@example.com
- UID: 590200001
- GID: 590200001
- Account disabled: False
- ----------------------------
- Number of entries returned 2
- ----------------------------
- -bash-4.2# yum list "*rpcbind*"
- Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo
- Installed Packages
- rpcbind.x86_64 0.2.0-47.el7 @anaconda/7.6
- -bash-4.2# yum list "*nfs*"
- Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo
- Installed Packages
- libnfsidmap.x86_64 0.25-19.el7 @anaconda/7.6
- nfs-utils.x86_64 1:1.3.0- @anaconda/7.6
- Available Packages
- libnfsidmap.i686 0.25-19.el7 Base
- libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin.noarch 1.6.2-4.el7 Base
- libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin-clibs.x86_64 1.6.2-4.el7 Base
- nfs4-acl-tools.x86_64 0.3.3-19.el7 Base
- nfsometer.noarch 1.7-1.el7 Base
- nfstest.noarch 2.1.5-1.el7 Base
- pcp-pmda-nfsclient.x86_64 4.1.0-4.el7 Base
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3.i686 1.1.1-9.el7 Base
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3.x86_64 1.1.1-9.el7 Base
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4.i686 1.1.0-10.el7 Base
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4.x86_64 1.1.0-10.el7 Base
- texlive-mfnfss.noarch 2:svn19410.0-43.el7 Base
- texlive-psnfss.noarch 2:svn23394.9.2a-43.el7 Base
- -bash-4.2# cd /home
- -bash-4.2# ls
- student
- -bash-4.2# cd /
- -bash-4.2# mkdir /rhost
- -bash-4.2# mkdir botang
- -bash-4.2# chown 590200001:590200001 botang
- -bash-4.2#
复制代码- -bash-4.2# chkconfig rpcbind on
- Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable rpcbind.service'.
- -bash-4.2# service rpcbind start
- Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start rpcbind.service
- -bash-4.2# vi /etc/exports
- -bash-4.2# cat /etc/exports
- /rhost,sync)
- -bash-4.2# chkconfig nfs on
- Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable nfs.service'.
- Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nfs-server.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service.
- -bash-4.2# service nfs start
- Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start nfs.service
- -bash-4.2#
复制代码 客户端:
- [root@station60 ~]# chkconfig rpcbind on
- Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable rpcbind.service'.
- [root@station60 ~]# service rpcbind start
- Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start rpcbind.service
- [root@station60 ~]# showmount -e
- Export list for
- /rhost